Cauda Equina Syndrome – The Forgotten Spinal Cord Injury
Cauda equina syndrome (‘CES’) is a rare condition and is estimated to affect between one to three people in every 100,000 of the population in the UK. CES is caused by compression of the nerves at the very base of the spinal cord. These nerves are known as the cauda equina or “horse’s tail” and are most commonly damaged by disc prolapses or bony changes in the spine.

This insightful blog, authored by Alex Dabek, a solicitor specializing in spinal cord injuries, in collaboration with Hannah Proctor, a clinical specialist physiotherapist, provides a comprehensive overview of Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES), a rare but severe spinal condition. Dabek and Proctor delve into the complexities of CES, which results from the compression of nerves at the base of the spinal cord and can lead to significant, lifelong disabilities if not treated promptly and effectively.
The blog emphasizes the critical nature of early diagnosis and urgent surgical intervention to prevent irreversible damage to bladder, bowel, and sexual functions, as well as mobility issues.
Furthermore, the blog discusses the variability in patients' access to rehabilitation and treatment post-CES diagnosis, a disparity that significantly affects recovery outcomes. Proctor, with her 17 years of experience in the NHS, provides valuable insights into the evolution of rehabilitation services for CES patients, underscoring the recent changes in referral protocols and treatment methods. Despite improvements in the management of spinal injuries, the blog highlights a concerning gap in the referral of CES patients to specialized spinal units, leading to inconsistent and sometimes inadequate post-operative care and support.
The authors also address the challenges faced by patients discharged from hospitals without adequate guidance or support for managing their new disabilities, a situation that often leaves them feeling isolated and neglected. The blog calls attention to the need for holistic and tailored rehabilitation programs, including services from multidisciplinary teams comprising spinal consultants, nurse specialists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists.
This blog serves as a crucial resource for medical professionals and those affected by CES, stressing the need for awareness, timely intervention, and comprehensive rehabilitation. It not only sheds light on the medical and legal aspects of CES but also advocates for a more inclusive and effective healthcare approach, ensuring that individuals with CES receive the level of care and support they rightfully deserve. Dabek's legal perspective, combined with Proctor's clinical experience, provides a unique and powerful voice to the often-overlooked challenges faced by CES patients, making this blog a must-read for anyone involved in spinal cord injury care and management.