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What Is Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a rare but serious condition that affects the bundle of nerve roots at the lower end of the spinal cord. This bundle is known as the "cauda equina," a Latin term that means "horse's tail," which is what these nerves resemble.

Understanding the Basics

Our nervous system is a complex network that transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord plays a crucial role in this system, and the nerves branching off from it are essential for relaying messages. These messages help us feel sensations like touch and pain and enable the brain to control muscle movements and organ functions.

What Happens in Cauda Equina Syndrome?

In Cauda Equina Syndrome, these nerve roots become compressed or inflamed. This compression can lead to a variety of symptoms:

  • Paraesthesia: This includes abnormal sensations such as numbness, tingling, or burning.

  • Sciatica: A sharp pain that travels from the lower back down to the legs.

  • Changes in Reflexes: This can include either heightened or diminished reflex actions.

  • Muscle Weakness and Loss of Sensation: Decreased strength and sensation in the legs.

  • Bowel and Bladder Issues: If untreated, it can lead to permanent loss of bowel and bladder control.

Why is it a Medical Emergency?

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a medical emergency because if the pressure on these nerves is not relieved quickly, it can result in lasting damage. This could mean permanent paralysis of the legs, chronic pain, or loss of bowel and bladder function.

Common Causes

This syndrome can be caused by several factors:

  • Trauma: Such as a severe back injury.

  • Spinal Stenosis: A narrowing of the spaces within your spine.

  • Herniated Disks: When a disk in the spine slips out of place.

  • Spinal Tumours: Growths that develop in the spine.

  • Cancerous Tumours: That may put pressure on the spinal cord.

  • Inflammatory and Infectious Conditions: Such as meningitis.

  • Accidental Medical Intervention: Such as a complication from surgery or other medical procedures.


Cauda Equina Syndrome requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for a better outcome. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, especially if they occur suddenly or severely, seek medical help immediately.

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When Should You Go to the ER for Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a surgical emergency. Persons should seek immediate medical care or go to the emergency department if they believe they have symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome. Some of the early symptoms related to cauda equina syndrome, including low back pain and muscle weakness, are more often caused by simple disk herniation, which does not require urgent attention. However, if you develop severe pain or loss of sensation or bowel or bladder disturbances, you should contact your physician immediately. Your chances of regaining normal function and having a positive outcome are related to how long you have had symptoms of cauda equina syndrome. Most experts agree that people with cauda equina syndrome should undergo surgery to make more space for the nerves (lumbar decompression) within 48 hours in order to have the best chance for complete recovery.

What Questions Should You Ask the Doctor about Cauda Equine Syndrome?

People with the symptoms described above should be seen and evaluated by their doctor to determine if they have cauda equina syndrome. People should ask their doctor to determine the cause of their symptoms (such as disk herniation or spinal stenosis). People with symptoms similar to those previously mentioned who do not have Cauda Equina Syndrome should ask their doctor for treatment recommendations and for further warning signs to watch for the development of Cauda Equina Syndrome.

What Tests Diagnose Cauda Equina Syndrome?

The initial diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome is made based on findings from the individual's history, symptoms, and physical exam. The physical exam includes testing muscle strength of the lower extremities, evaluating sensation to touch and pain, especially around the groin (perineum), checking the lower extremity reflexes, and evaluating rectal tone, sensation, and reflex. Imaging studies helpful in the diagnosis include plain x-ray films of the lower back to assess for evidence of trauma or severe arthritis (degenerative changes). MRI with and without contrast provides a detailed look at tumors, infection, intervertebral disks, and nerve roots. This study allows the doctor to determine if the nerves are being compressed, to what degree, and by what structures. Findings from these studies help the surgeon plan the appropriate treatment. Not all people with back pain and/or leg pain and changes in bowel or bladder function have cauda equina syndrome. More common causes of bladder changes are urinary tract infections, which can be identified by a simple urine test, and diabetes, which can be identified with blood tests.

What Is the Recovery Time After Surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome, Is It Disabling?

In many cases of Cauda Equina Syndrome, emergency decompression of the spinal canal is the best treatment option. The goal is to relieve pressure on the nerves of the cauda equina by removing the compressing structures and increasing the space available for the nerves in the spinal canal. Traditionally, Cauda Equina Syndrome has been considered a surgical emergency, with surgical decompression considered necessary within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. For people with a herniated disk as the cause of cauda equina syndrome, removal of a portion of the bone surrounding the nerves (laminectomy) is performed and the disk material compressing the nerves is removed (discectomy). Many clinical and experimental reports have presented data on the functional outcome based on the timing of surgical decompression. Some investigators have reported no significant differences in the degree of functional recovery as a function of the timing of surgical decompression. Even with these findings, however, most investigators recommend surgical decompression as soon as possible following onset of symptoms to offer the greatest chances of complete neurologic recovery. Many clinical and experimental studies have investigated patient outcomes in relation to the timing of surgical decompression. Some investigators have reported no significant differences in the degree of functional recovery as a function of the timing of surgical decompression. Even with these findings, however, most investigators recommend surgical decompression as soon as possible following the onset of symptoms to offer the greatest chances of complete neurologic recovery. Investigators have attempted to identify specific criteria that can aid in predicting the outcome of persons with Cauda Equina Syndrome.


*People with pain in both legs (bilateral sciatica) have less chance or full recovery than persons with single leg pain (unilateral sciatica).

*People with complete groin numbness (perineal anaesthesia) are more likely to have permanent paralysis of the bladder.

*The extent of groin numbness (perineal or saddle sensory deficit) is the most important predictor of recovery.


Do You Need to Follow Up with Your Doctor after Being Treated for Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Persons with Cauda Equina Syndrome should have close follow-up with their surgeon to monitor any changes in function. Early surgery gives the patient the best chance for complete recovery from cauda Cauda Equina Syndrome.

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